Saturday, March 05, 2005

Jam, is the name of an American visitor of my blog and also my friend, Who wrote the lines below, Thank you Jam :)

In the Beginning the Lord created the Heaven and the Earth...

And the Lord (having recently rested from 6 days of creating), saw that the Internet was without Proper Form; indeed a Mindless Void.

And the Lord spoke, and said Let there be Blogs, and There Were, and he saw that it was good, and He smiled.

Then He watched and saw that Many were Evil, and the Blogs were being Abused by All Sorts, for the Wrong Reasons, and by Bad People.

After thinking about It (which takes no time, since He is God), he decided to watch and see what happened.

And, in time, it was discovered by the Thinking People that there was a Lot of Really Bad Stuff out there, and Something Must Be Done.

Many other people also thought this too, and decided to have a committees' committee look at the problem, and while they wasted more time looking up the rules and then arguing about what they meant and to who and how and why and when, the Good Hearted Folks Saw the Futility of acting like that.

And they tried. (And the Lord smiled, for his Good Kids Always Try Really, Really hard, and He Loves that a Lot.)

Then He saw what He wanted to See : The Thinking People, the Ones who Know Love and Pray for the Hateful, who want All Persons to be Brothers and Sisters : Began their Own Blogs. He saw This, and said That is Good! Seriously Way Good!.

And so again He Watched. The world was Awash in Bad Things, and Many Blogs were but a waste of precious space. And there were Many who Truly Used the Gift of the Blog for Good, so He Let Them continue.

Then one day, (August 8th, 2003, to be exact), He Looked upon His daughter, called Fatema, who lived in Persia (or Iran, depending on who was speaking), and Smiled Greatly : She, a Beloved Daughter, had begun a Blog. And she called it 'Iranian Girl', and He thought ‘This is True, so That is Good’. Then she subtitled it ‘An Iranian Girl is Writing about Anything!!’, and He was Most Impressed, for she showed the gift of her given mind, and was ready to take on the world. And He was Very proud.

Then He saw the opening words : ‘Hello, i will write here’ and it was posted at 10:24 AM.

Again He Smiled, even More Greatly, for a Favorite Daughter has set forth on a Journey of the Mind, of Observation and Reflection, Smiles and Thrills and Chills, of Memories past and Future fortunes. Yes, a journey indeed, and as the ancient adage so correctly observes : the Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.

And Fatema took a step.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the internet Fatemah!


8:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Welcome back to the Internet.

-Kevin J. Nelson

8:52 AM  
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