Being a "young a girl", means you can't move, you cant discover new things, you can't be ambitious, you can't and shouldn't stay on your own foot, you should never be proud of being brave, you should just keep yourself as a fresh and complete plate of food and do your best to be eaten by the right person, and spend all your life watching out pilfers!
A young girl shouldn't travel alone, a young girl shouldn't accept a well paid job cause Maybe the company wants to take advantages of her!! a young girl shouldn't stay free cause she finally needs a man to support her under the name of husband, that deceitful angel! It is noy worth a damn being a young girl! God! they make you hate being a flower and wish being a worm wriggling freeliy in the mud, little by little you reach the point that you hate all the good gifts nature has given you...
Hey be careful baby! you may regret for your today decisions in future!... What a disgusting advise!! my heart is full of joyful dreams, my brain is full of new and exciting plans, my body is full of energy ready and eager to make these plans real, BUT! i guess i should leave them all in trash and make myself ready for becoming a female robot doing daily duties of a usual woman and live my life till the end! Its so difficult to make yourself ready for something you have always hated! it's not easy to forget your dreams even though you see thousands of people do it.
Look! i don't let you nor anybody else make me bury my dreams with the excuse of caring for me! If i were a buffalo then i would just follow other buffalos to find my way, but I'M NOT A BUFF so i chose my own unique path by thinking, and i don't care weather my path is the same as that majority living in their comfortable safe places or not!!
each time i talk to you and you dont understand my words i feel like i swallow another volcano, One day i may become all fire, will burn me and all damn things you keep worrying for...
Oh, let me be the first to say: Don't be careful, be brave, and do take pride in your ambitions! Surely, someone will respect you for it, I certainly do! Go, girl!
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And furthermore, "Take NO shit!" as we used to say at University. You know, Fatema, they are scared for you, they can't see the road ahead of you, they love you and want to protect you into infinity, but it is all going to work out fine. When they fuss and aggravate just say "OK (I accept your love and reject your ignorance and aggravation), then ask them to show you how to make Halvah, or something good. Once they are gone, it is really hard to learn that stuff on your own.
Think that will drive you some extra traffic?
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